I'VE HAD THESE pictures lying around on my computer for AGES (try years!) in a map called pastels. Now that we can officially say it's spring, I found it was time to post them.
Oh and yeah, my Mac is back up and running. It's still acting a bit weird though. Hmm...
Today has been spend running around town for gift buying and stuff. I also had to had my iPhone checked out. It has really been a great electronics-week, huh? Anyway now I need to study, cause later I have pilates on my agenda.
PS. Paris was lovely. I must show you my buys soon. Among other things I bought a very hyped Chanel item that is sold out everywhere in Paris. Except one pair in my size. Must have been meant to be...
Picture cred: Fashiongonerogue, My Blomquist, randon
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