PINK. I'm really starting to dig these pink colors. Both in hair and on clothes.
As long as it's this washed out pink.
Though hairwise I think the quote "Do not do this at home!" is pretty fitting.
Looks great in editorials and on the runway, but requires a personality that can pull it off. I can't!
As I got my computer back, I've dozens of pictures to post. My inspiration map is mad confusing.
det kan man altså godt! jeg har i hvertfald den forgangne måned farvet min venindes hår skiftevis lavendel, aqua-grøn og pink med sådan en, der vaskes ud efter 10 vaske... med hendes hår dog kun en uge af gangen pga det ikke var afbleget så meget. så fint og rigtig sjovt
Ej, hvor cool!!!
Måske jeg skulle overveje det? :)
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