Wednesday, February 3, 2010

SNOW. The snow situation in Denmark at the moment is a little overwhelming after years upon years
of um .. smaller amounts of snow, I'm not really sure what I'm feeling about this weather.

The pro's:
+ It's preeeetty - just look at those pictures I took in the woods last Sunday.
+ It's .. um .. pretty.
+ Did I mention how pretty it is?

The con's:
- It's cold.
- It's impossible to drive in .. more park in. I can't find anywhere to put my car at school or home.
- As soon as it has lay on the for 1 day it turns all brown and ugly.
- When the one dose of snow won't melt before the next come, there is a snow overload situation going on -
Denmark is not really sure how to handle it and where to put it.
- Did I say cold? Yeah .. I mean FREEZING!

I guess there are more con's than pro's, but it really is pretty, and I can't remember when I've last seen so much snow.
In the long run though it's just not that funny. How do you people living with it a lot more than me deal?
Oh, and if they would just give us snow-free I would add many more pro's to that list. I want days off school!

On a whole other note I just watched a very sad documentary about a 7 year old boy
who was found hanged. So sad - so now I need to figure out something to get my mind on happier things.

Long post, I know, but if you're reading and want to be on my bloglist leave a comment.
I'm thinking about doing the lost bloglist soon again. Comment, comment, comment.


1 comment:

Margaret said...

Amazing photos!
Thanks for the sweet comments at my blog :) glad you like it - love yours too!! xx