Sunday, September 20, 2009

Follow A girl
BLOG UP THE WORLD. How do you keep track of all the blogs you follow?
Before I found out about bloglovin' I basically had like a million blogs bookmarked,
and I checked them all whenever I blog-surfed.
With bloglovin' everything is so easy. You just search for all your favorite blogs,
and every time you log on to, all new posts are ready for you.

So this is just a little tip from me to you - if you can't keep track of all your blogs.

A little blogtip for you, is the already very famous Tavi.
DUDE, that girl is freaking awesome. My absolute favorite blog at the moment,
so if you're not already reading her blog, go check it out.

I think I might soon find my way to my bed, cause my head is killing me,

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