AFTER getting a new(er) iPhone, I am all up in the insta-busines again.
So here is what I've been up to the last weeks:
Me and my friend D have a thing for layercakes with loads of strawberries, bananas and vanilla creme. Yum!
I wore sandals for the last time this summer. Buhu! These are by Balenciaga.
I've definitely felt schoolstart. Suddenly having to read a ton of pages and get up early after 3 months is damn hard!!
I went and saw a pretty awesome exhibition at the museum Louisiana with my dad.
And I of course made sure to 'visit' my favorite piece of installation art for the millionth time.
I took a picture of my Nike roshe sneaks to try and win a competition.
And went to the gym in Nike.
NOW: Bed. Going to the gym has made me tired.